Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Acorn Squash (Indian style sabji)

Masala Acorn Squash
1 Medium Acorn Squash
2-3 Tb Sp Oil
Mustard and Cumin seeds (about 1 Tsp)
1 Tsp Turmeric Powder
1 Tb Sp Chili Powder (Paprika)
1 Tsp Cumin - Coriander Powder
1/2 Cup Water
2 Tb Sp Salt

  • Cut the Acorn Squash into small pieces (I did not remove the skin, you can remove the skin if you prefer that way)
  • Heat the oil and add Mustard and Cumin seeds
  • Add Squash
  • Mix well and let it cook in oil for a minute
  • Add all spices and mix well
  • add water and cover the pan
  • cook until it is done

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